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  • #32877

    I was wondering why ther is no DBSpinControl ?


    DBSpinEdit is not made by delphi.

    there are some solutions for that.

    make your own DBSpinEdit.
    if you dont know how to make them there are some other tools that has them

    WWDbSpinEdit or LMDDBSpinEdit..

    there is probably no sDBSpinEdit.. because there is also not a standard delphi version.

    If you dont wanne use thirthparty tools, and create your own.
    but dont know how to make one.. give me a email then i will create one for yah


    Thanks shadow_tj
    i have dbspinedits from tms, devexpress, jedi etc.
    but they look different then alphaskin controls so whene i wont to create i new form with dbedit dbcombo etc. from alphaskins and dbspinedit from 3th parthi then its ugly cose this one component looks different.
    you know what i meen ?
    in commertial applications we need to have a control to show and edit money and numeric values like spincontrol.
    thats why i was wondering <img src="style_emoticons//rolleyes.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:roll:” border=”0″ alt=”rolleyes.gif” />



    Then there is no other option then create your own component set.
    Extent the SpinEdit with Database stuff.

    Make a sample with TsEdit and TsDBEdit, the differances from those 2 are the stuff you need to create a database component.

    Create a new Package, add a unit called TsDBSpinEdit.
    Make the ancester TsSpinEdit, and add the same stuff you see in the TsDBEdit that is used for database stuff.

    There are only some things you need to handle yourself, like a onchange event when you press the SpinButtons.

    Will take some time to create your own skinned components for the first time.
    But when you get the hang of it you will see that its not that hard and a lot of fun to.
    You can create all kinds of skinned components yust by looking at the other components.

    Only things that are realy hard is to add skinning for components that has nothing with skins.



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