Components Disappear When Moving

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  • #37169

    Here is the scenario.

    Skin: Windows 10

    Blend On Moving: True

    Extended Borders: True

    Draw Non-Client Area: True

    Using your demo when you move the window, things disappear. Also if you click on the title bar, same thing happens – things disappear. Now, if you deactivate the demo (i.e., click on another application in the task bar), then reactivate the demo (i.e., click on the demo in the task bar), things are there. Weird.

    If Blend On Moving is false or Extended Borders is false or Draw Non-Client Area is false, no problem. It is only when all 3 of these are set to true does this occur.

    Have not fully investigated this with other skins, but it definitely occurs when using Windows 10.

    Also, I cannot duplicate this problem on my project.



    This error will be fixed in the v11.18, thank you for the message.


    Fixed. Thanks.

    Also, changing scaling mode is very smooth now. Thanks.

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