Compilation Error Under Delphi XE

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  • #36285

    Alpha Controls version 9.14 will not compile on Delphi XE. It fails in sDBNavigator at line 177:


    if not (aBtn in [nbApplyUpdates, nbCancelUpdates]) then

    The compiler showd the following output:

    [DCC Error] sDBNavigator.pas(177): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'nbApplyUpdates'

    [DCC Error] sDBNavigator.pas(177): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'nbCancelUpdates'

    [DCC Error] sDBNavigator.pas(177): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TNavigateBtn' and 'Integer'

    [DCC Warning] sDBNavigator.pas(879): W1019 For loop control variable must be simple local variable

    [DCC Fatal Error] AlphaDBDelphiXE.dpk(45): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'sDBNavigator.pas'

    I have searched the entire db package and the declarations for nbApplyUpdate and nbCancelUpdates do not exist. For the moment I have commented out the LoadGlyph(Btn: TsNavButton; aBtn: TNavigateBtn) procedure and could complete the compilation. My main application does not use the navigator so this is not critical for me. I have one internal application the uses the data control but this does not require recompilation any time soon.

    Best Regards,

    Al Weisenborn


    Hello! DB-aware components are updated, you can redownload and install them now.

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