I have a problem when I put an AlphaControl into a TCategoryPanelGroup…
The error is: “Project Project1.exe raised exception class EClassNotFound with message 'Class TsEditLabel not found'”.
To replicate it, I do the following:
1. To create a Standard VCL Application
2. To put TsSkinManager and TskinProvider components
3. To put the following components Out of the TCategoryPanelGroup: TsButton TsComboBox, TsComboEdit, TsEdit
4. To Run Application… it's OK (obviously)
5. To Activate a BoundLabel Property for each component (Where possible)
6. To Run Application… it's OK
7. To Put tsedit (with BoundLabel property active) into the TCategoryPanelGroup
8. Run the Application… and here is when it BOOM..!!
I searched in historical threads and i found this:
AlphaSkins Version: 10.03 (Beta)
Delphi XE7
Windows 8.1