- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 7 months ago by Support.
March 19, 2012 at 6:58 pm #35131alweisParticipant
I am having difficulty drawing the checked and unchecked glyphs to the TsDbGrid, The transparent color (clFuchsia) is not being honored. This is true only for some skins. For example Office10 and Neutral3 are OK. Acryl and DarkGlass are painted incorrectly. See examples below:
Here is the code:
Code:procedure DrawBooleanGridCell(AGrid: TsDBGrid; ARect: TRect;
State: TGridDrawState; AChecked:Boolean);
i : integer;
NewLeft, NewTop : integer;
Size : TSize;
CellState : Integer;
if gdSelected in State then
CellState := 2
CellState := 0;if DefaultManager.Active then begin
if AChecked then
i := DefaultManager.ConstData.CheckBoxChecked
i := DefaultManager.ConstData.CheckBoxUnChecked;Try
if DefaultManager.IsValidImgIndex(i) then
Size.cx := WidthOfImage(DefaultManager.ma);
Size.cy := HeightOfImage(DefaultManager.ma);
TmpBmp := CreateBmp32(Size.cx, Size.cy);
BitBlt(TmpBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Size.cx, Size.cy,
DefaultManager.ma.r.left, DefaultManager.ma.r.Top, SRCCOPY);
NewLeft := (WidthOf(ARect) – Size.cx) div 2;
Newtop := (HeightOf(ARect) – Size.cy) div 2;
DrawSkinGlyph(TmpBmp, Point(NewLeft, NewTop), CellState, 1,
DefaultManager.ma, MakeCacheInfo(TmpBmp));
BitBlt(AGrid.Canvas.Handle, ARect.Left + NewLeft,
ARect.Top + NewTop, Size.cx, Size.cy, TmpBmp.Canvas.Handle,
0, 0, SRCCOPY);
end;Other Info:
OS: Win 7
Delphi: XE
AC Version: 7.62
I assume there must be a better or correct way to do this. Any help you can offer to resolve this issue will be most appreciated.
Best Regards,
March 20, 2012 at 8:50 am #48067KujoParticipantHello to all,
I'm a new user and I have the same problem (not only related to grids) with all skins: sometimes the background is fuchsia, sometimes is white but it is never transparent.
I also tried to use different code (see below) but the result is the same
GlyphIndex: Integer;
TempBmp: TBitmap;
GlyphSize: TSize;begin
GlyphIndex := sSkinManager1.GetMaskIndex(sSkinManager1.ConstData.IndexGLobalInfo, s_GLobalInfo, s_RadioButtonChecked);
if GlyphIndex > -1 then
GlyphSize.cx := WidthOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].ImageCount;
GlyphSize.cy := HeightOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div (sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].MaskType + 1);
TempBmp := CreateBmp32(GlyphSize.cx, GlyphSize.cy);
DrawSkinGlyph(TempBmp, Point(0, 0), 1, 1, sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex], MakeCacheInfo(TempBmp));
BitBlt(Self.Canvas.Handle, 50, 50, GlyphSize.cx, GlyphSize.cy, TempBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
end;Thanks for any help.
March 27, 2012 at 2:18 pm #48079KujoParticipant'Kujo' wrote:Hello to all,
I'm a new user and I have the same problem (not only related to grids) with all skins: sometimes the background is fuchsia, sometimes is white but it is never transparent.
I also tried to use different code (see below) but the result is the same
GlyphIndex: Integer;
TempBmp: TBitmap;
GlyphSize: TSize;begin
GlyphIndex := sSkinManager1.GetMaskIndex(sSkinManager1.ConstData.IndexGLobalInfo, s_GLobalInfo, s_RadioButtonChecked);
if GlyphIndex > -1 then
GlyphSize.cx := WidthOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].ImageCount;
GlyphSize.cy := HeightOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div (sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].MaskType + 1);
TempBmp := CreateBmp32(GlyphSize.cx, GlyphSize.cy);
DrawSkinGlyph(TempBmp, Point(0, 0), 1, 1, sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex], MakeCacheInfo(TempBmp));
BitBlt(Self.Canvas.Handle, 50, 50, GlyphSize.cx, GlyphSize.cy, TempBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
end;Thanks for any help.
no one can help here ?
March 28, 2012 at 9:56 am #48094SupportKeymasterHello!
A small demo with sources can help to help you more faster. 🙂
I will make a test-application now with your code and I will write a result here soon.
March 28, 2012 at 10:25 am #48095SupportKeymasteralweis, you can try this code :
Code:procedure DrawBooleanGridCell(AGrid: TsDBGrid; ARect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState; AChecked:Boolean);
i : integer;
NewLeft, NewTop : integer;
Size : TSize;
CellState : Integer;
CI : TCacheInfo;
if gdSelected in State then CellState := 2 else CellState := 0;
if DefaultManager.Active then begin
if AChecked then i := DefaultManager.ConstData.CheckBoxChecked else i := DefaultManager.ConstData.CheckBoxUnChecked;
if DefaultManager.IsValidImgIndex(i) then begin
Size.cx := WidthOfImage(DefaultManager.ma);
Size.cy := HeightOfImage(DefaultManager.ma);
TmpBmp := CreateBmp32(Size.cx, Size.cy);
FillDC(TmpBmp.Canvas.Handle, Rect(0, 0, Size.cx, Size.cy), AGrid.Color);
NewLeft := (WidthOf(ARect) – Size.cx) div 2;
Newtop := (HeightOf(ARect) – Size.cy) div 2;
CI.FillColor := AGrid.Color;
CI.Ready := False;
DrawSkinGlyph(TmpBmp, Point(0, 0), CellState, 1, DefaultManager.ma, CI);
BitBlt(AGrid.Canvas.Handle, ARect.Left + NewLeft,
ARect.Top + NewTop, Size.cx, Size.cy, TmpBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
end;March 28, 2012 at 1:34 pm #48103KujoParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello!
A small demo with sources can help to help you more faster. 🙂
I will make a test-application now with your code and I will write a result here soon.
After several checks, the following code works for me even if I don't know if this is the right way (AC is a very powerful package but there are too many undocumented units and procedures/functions).
Code:procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
GlyphSize : TSize;
GlyphIndex : Integer;
GlyphState : integer;
TempBmp : TBitmap;
Position : TPoint;begin
if sSkinManager1.Active and (Length(sSkinManager1.ma) > 0) then begin
GlyphIndex := sSkinManager1.ConstData.RadioButtonChecked;
if GlyphIndex > -1 then begin
GlyphState := 0; // 0, 1, 2
GlyphSize.cx := WidthOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].ImageCount;
GlyphSize.cy := HeightOf(sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].R) div (sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex].MaskType + 1);
Position := Point(Rect.Left + (WidthOf(Rect) – GlyphSize.cx) div 2,
Rect.Top + (HeightOf(Rect) – GlyphSize.cy) div 2);// Fill the bitmap with the same portion of the background where the Glyph will be placed
TempBmp := CreateBmp32(GlyphSize.cx, GlyphSize.cy);
BitBlt(TempBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, TempBmp.Width, TempBmp.Height,
StringGrid1.Canvas.Handle, Position.X, Position.Y, SRCCOPY);DrawSkinGlyph(TempBmp, Point(0, 0), GlyphState, 1, sSkinManager1.ma[GlyphIndex], MakeCacheInfo(TempBmp));
BitBlt(StringGrid1.Canvas.Handle, Position.x, Position.y,
TempBmp.Width, TempBmp.Height, TempBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);FreeAndNil(TempBmp);
end;There is a better method ?
Best regards.
March 28, 2012 at 3:46 pm #48105SupportKeymaster'Kujo' wrote:There is a better method ?Yes, your code should work 🙂
April 2, 2012 at 11:48 pm #48169alweisParticipantHello Serge,
Thank you for the code corrections. my immediate problem is now solved. From my perspective, this topic can be closed.
I would like to note that I intend to implement alternate row colors in the TsDBGrid and icons in the same cell as text. I can see already that I'm going to have some difficulty with this. However, I have not worked on it enough to clearly ask an intelligent question.
If you happen to have some sample code, I would be most appreciative for any help you can offer. When I can ask a clear question I will post a new topic. Thank you very much for your help and your beautiful skins and controls. They're going to add a lot to my application.
Best regards,
April 11, 2012 at 11:57 am #48244SupportKeymaster'alweis' wrote:I would like to note that I intend to implement alternate row colors in the TsDBGrid and icons in the same cell as text. I can see already that I'm going to have some difficulty with this. However, I have not worked on it enough to clearly ask an intelligent question.I think, you can receive a required color for odd or even rows by mixing of Grid1.Color with Grid1Font.Color :
Code:myOddColor := sGraphUtils.MixColors(Grid1.Color, Grid1.Font.Color, 0.92)Received color may be used in the OnDrawDataCell or OnDrawColumnCell events.
April 14, 2012 at 9:33 pm #48255alweisParticipantHello Serge,
Here is a further update.
The code for drawing the glyphs only work properly if the cell is not selected. When the cell is selected and the 'SELECTED' skin section drawn, many skins do not properly draw the glyph with transparency all the way around. The glyphs for the skinned check boxes do not appear to be consistently created in the skin files.
Likewise, if the skin glyphs are used with alternate row coloring I found that the canvas.brush.color must be adjusted for both odd and even rows to assure that the dark color skins will render reasonably. For example:
Code:if IsRowEven then
Brush.Color := MixColors(DefaultManager.GetGlobalColor,
DefaultManager.GetGlobalFontColor, 0.8)
Brush.Color := MixColors(DefaultManager.GetGlobalColor,
DefaultManager.GetGlobalFontColor, 0.6);The bottom line is that I cannot find a way to use the skin glyphs for checkboxes in the TsDBGrid and have all the skins render selected and unselected cells with transparent glyphs. I can get most skins to tender properly but not all.
For a universal solution for all skins I am now drawing checkboxes on the grid using the AlphaImageList and everything works perfectly. The only down side is that the grid checkboxes are not same style of the skin. This solution is OK for me and this case may still be considered closed. If however there is something I have overlooked because of my newness to Delphi, I would appreciate any advice or sample code that you may have to offer that would improve upon my solution.
April 18, 2012 at 5:23 am #48269SupportKeymaster'alweis' wrote:The code for drawing the glyphs only work properly if the cell is not selected. When the cell is selected and the 'SELECTED' skin section drawn, many skins do not properly draw the glyph with transparency all the way around. The glyphs for the skinned check boxes do not appear to be consistently created in the skin files.Hello
Maybe you can make a small demo-application? I will check this app and I will add some improvements there.
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