Hello, I have one significant trouble (bug) in the AlphaControl.
Bug description:
1. Simple form without any programming code just with 2 components TsPanel and TsSkinManager.
2. After when software has been started I click to the general button of the form to minimize it in a right top corner.
3. After form minimizing, I maximize a form by clicking on the my software icon in a windows button panel, and form shows again.
4. After than, I again minimize a form but now by clicking buttons “windows button” + D, this windows command is responsible for all windows forms minimizing.
5. After form minimizing, I try to maximize my form by clicking on the my software icon and it is impossible to do. I see my form that it is running now but I cannot get it backs maximized, and the only way is ALT+CTRL+DEL;
My software: Windows 7 professional + Rad Studio 10.2.