I have dynamicly created window from custom template (placed on TsPanel or TForm).
Template elements are: TsImage, TsHTMLLabel are TsLabelFX
For simple example:
– image1 is JPG placed as background (stretched, align alClient),
– image2 is transparent PNG placed above image1 (100 x 100 px)
– label1 (TsHTMLLabel or TsLabelFX) is simple text with transparent background placed on image1
– panel1 (TsPanel) is parent for all (image1,image2,label1…)
All looks fine. But when I updating caption from label1 some areas on image1 (background) blinking. Same effect when replacing graphics im image2.
I try DoubleBuffered on form, StdImgTransparency in TSkinManager.Options, Image.Transparent. When SkinManager.Active is FALSE – updating image2 are smooth but updating labels – generate blinking…
Can anyone tell what the problem is? Any suggestion for a solution?
D7 pro, AC 16.24