it generate this exception:
projet “my project” raise exception “EOutofRessources” and pointe to this bloc
and locate in “thirdparty unit”
if (Images is TsAlphaImageList){ or not SkinData.Skinned } then begin
if SkinData.Skinned
(*==this line==>*) then DrawAlphaImgList(Images, SkinData.FCacheBmp, IRect.Left, IRect.Top, ImageIndex,
max(iffi((CurrentState = 0), Blend, 0), iffi(not Enabled and (dgBlended in DisabledGlyphKind), 50, 0)), GrayColor,
CurrentState + integer(Down), NumGlyphs, Reflected)
else DrawAlphaImgListDC(Images, Canvas.Handle, IRect.Left, IRect.Top, ImageIndex,
max(iffi((CurrentState = 0), Blend, 0), iffi(not Enabled and (dgBlended in DisabledGlyphKind), 50, 0)), GrayColor,
CurrentState + integer(Down), NumGlyphs, Reflected);