ASkinEditor problems

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  • #68804

    Sorry for my English…
    Windows 7, Delphi 10.1 Berlin, last version Alpha Controls.

    I have been using Alpha Controls Skins for a long time. I usually use ready-made skins. But recently I needed to create a skin. I downloaded ASkinEditor 14.37.
    And I don’t understand how to create skins in it. Normal skins. A lot of bugs.
    I will list the bugs.

    1) One settings for all projects. This is incorrect and not convenient.
    Downloaded ASkinEditor, run it. ASkinEditor.ini will be created. Then worked with the project – the settings were recorded. Close ASkinEditor (or not it doesn’t matter). Run ASkinEditor again – Creation wizzard- new project-ok.
    Whe is new project located? In old project folder. What is the new project settings (Options)? Directory, Packed etc. – old project settings. Old project ruined, clutter in folders, all mixed up.

    2) How to create an asz file? I customized, indicated the picture, colors, etc. Where is the button create an asz file? The asz file is created and and updated randomly. When you restartASkinEditor for example.

    3) ASkinDemo.exe (priview) shows one view of my skin, and when you connect the file to your project, it is slightly different.
    For example, different size of the title bar (ASkinDemo use Extended borders, my app no).
    What size should I create buttons in the title bar? Minimize, maximize, and close? Okay, I’ll fit them into my form, my title bar. But in the normal state of the form, my title bar is 22 pixels. And in the expanded state of the form, my title bar is 19 pixels. Customized buttons come out. And the usual ones, without skins, no.

    Yes, I can connect my application by specifying it in the Options. And see “the final result”.
    Of course, the size of the buttons will not change.
    So i need to turn on Extended borders, customize title height. And i see shadow.
    Extended borders on? There will be a shadow. How to disable the shadow, when i use Extended borders, i do not know.
    And i do shadow color transparent #FF00FF.
    There is no shadow. But there was a border of 1 pixel. But I don’t need it.
    I go Extended borders->Form aligh offcet and do -1 -1 -1 -1. No borders.

    Have i get the desired result? Yes. But such work is absolutely abnormal.


    I will check and improve it.
    Do you saw my answer to your letter two days ago?

    Stephane Senecal

    Sorry to piggy back on your question, but I was wondering if you (@alphaskin) were using another program to update all the skins or you have to manually open all of them in the alphaskin editor?
    Also, I would like to know if there’s a reason why the sources for the editor are not available?

    Stephane Senecal
    CIS Group
    Delphi programmer since 2001


    Also, I would like to know if there’s a reason why the sources for the editor are not available?

    I think they are: aSkinEditor

    Stephane Senecal

    There is no source code in there, only binaries.

    Stephane Senecal
    CIS Group
    Delphi programmer since 2001


    Source codes of the Skin Editor are not published because some parts linked with packing of secured skins.
    Excluding of this part requires a specially allocated time, it’s reason why the project is not published.

    Stephane Senecal

    I had a feeling it was because of that.
    Thank you for your answer.

    Stephane Senecal
    CIS Group
    Delphi programmer since 2001

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