Any way to compile without AC native png?

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  • #33849
    China White

    I have a problem with Alpha Controls and Delphi 2010. I use a 3-party control to skin my applications with PNG backgrounds. Until I've installed AC I had no problem, now AC will replace the native D2010 TPNGImage with his own TPNGGrafic… but using this my PNG images won't show up like they should, eg. my window will have white ugly corners, semi transparency won't show up.. etc… the only thing that looks good is the shadow. Anyway, I really like this component and I would like to use it, but is there any way to use TPNGImage for Images instead of TPNGGrafic… from the component? Thanks.

    China White

    Is this the practice of this company, when we can't deal with something we just ignore the question? It's at least common sense to reply and say it can't be fixed, not to ignore my post and answer to other posts. This makes me think buying this component is a bad idea due to the fact that support is how it is. Have a good one.


    Hi and sorry for delay – I had many work with preparing the version 7 these days. Today I have visited the forum and I'm answering here.
    So, you can try disbale a support of Png by AlphaControls using this code on start of project :

    uses acPng;


    But your problem with white corners and transparency is interesting, I'll be thankful if you give me a test-application which I can debug…

    China White

    OK, sorry then, I just saw some answers and my question ignored. And I've been waiting for an answer for some days just to know what to do next with the project.
    Thank you for your answer, I'll try this now.
    As for the application, the problem is with JvTransparentForm (from Jedi pack), if I use D2010 TPNGImage everything is fine, if I use TPNGGraphic from AC, then the problem shows up. I can't send you a demo source as I don't have Delphi on this computer. You can try the component from jedi yourself as it's free.


    +1 vote for JvTransparentForm support in AC. I will be needing this functionality in the nearest time.


    I'll research this problem soon and I will write here a result.
    And write me please about the result of UnregisterGraphicClass using.

    I think, a cause of problem may be in automatic skinning of this form also.
    Try to disable this property – SkinManager.SkinningRules.srStdForms

    QUOTE (vyacheslav @ Jul 17 2010, 06:20 PM)
    I just saw some answers and my question ignored

    Just “Troubleshootes” part have higher priority in answering..

    China White

    ^ This doesn't work, or maybe I don't know where to add this, I've added it to “initialization” and “finalization” in my form, now the form doesn't show the PNG image at all, but when I choose the Image file in TImage it's still TPNGGraphic.

    And ok, I understand now how the forum works, but you should try answering some of the other questions as well, some may wait for an answer for days and it just seems a little rude to answer other. Just my oppinion.


    You tried a second solution with disabling of the SkinManager.SkinningRules.srStdForms property?

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