XE4, win7 32.
I can't compile the latest version of AlphaExtra Components Set (850 21.11.2013).
AcControls Package OK
[dcc32 Error] aceComboEditEx.pas(199): E2137 Method 'IsActive' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] aceComboEditEx.pas(544): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IsActive'
[dcc32 Error] aceComboEditEx.pas(544): E2014 Statement expected, but expression of type 'Boolean' found
[dcc32 Fatal Error] aceXE4_R.dpk(39): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'aceComboEditEx.pas'
I can't compile both the project file as the package.
Thank you very much.