Alpha Hints Odd Behavior – v10.11

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  • #36554

    I am having problems moving to version 10 because of the odd behavior of the alpha hints. I have noticed 2 things.

    1. When approaching the control from below, the hint window appears to be much lower than in version 9. Approaching the control from above is okay.

    2. The mouse is over a button and you allow the hint to disappear. When you click the button the hint appears again. Very odd. This behavior does not appear on version 9.

    Animated is set to false.

    Wished I could show you this odd behavior but the only way I could capture them is to take a video and I am not sure that I could upload such a large file.



    What size of this video file? I need it really.


    Okay. I recorded 2 videos, both very short. They demonstrate the normal behavior in version 9 and the “not so normal” behavior in version 10.

    As I stated in the original message, it seems that in version 10 the hint location is all over the place and not close to the mouse cursor.

    And when you click on the “Save” button the hint appears again. Very odd. I got this to occur on your demo, too.

    By the way, I tried this on “Ubuntu” and “Aluminum”. Both behaved the same way. So I assume that all skins exhibit this.

    Hope this helps.


    Thank you!

    1. I doesn't see a big difference, maybe it exists.. But I can suggest to add a new property – automatic aligning of hints to the center of current control. Position of a hint window will not be depended from mouse position in this case… What you think?

    2. I see that standard hints has a same behaviour too (showed after pressing of button). Or I'm wrong?


    1. That would be a nice idea.

    2. I am away on business and not at my development computer so I cannot check this out. I will take a look at it when I get home.


    I reluctantly have to move back to version 9 because I depend heavily on the alpha hints to work properly. I cannot move forward because frankly version 10 looks ugly and childish. Sorry.

    'TAZ' wrote:

    1. That would be a nice idea.

    2. I am away on business and not at my development computer so I cannot check this out. I will take a look at it when I get home.


    Hi! Please, write more details, your opinion is needed for improving the package 🙂


    I went back to your update history and discovered that you added the AutoAlignment property. I overlooked that added feature. When I set it to true, it worked perfectly.

    I would suggest that you set the AutoAlignment default to true when creating the control. That would save a lot of grief. Not sure why anyone would want to use the control with the AutoAlignment set to false because it looks very ugly.

    With AutoAlignment set to true, I can now set Animated to true and the operation through the toolbar buttons is smooth and perfect.

    Now I can move on to Version 10.

    Thank you.

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