Alpha Controls v7.03 problems with threads

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  • #33986
    Paulo César

    Hello, sorry for my bad English, I speak Portuguese.

    I am developing a program in which it was necessary for me to develop threads in the connection system.

    My program utilizes the v7.03 alpha controls, and is compiled in 32-bit Windows 7, Delphi 2010.

    The alpha controls the entire application works perfect. But when I call a sMessageDlg, for example, from within the processing of the thread, the window of the dialog is never “skined”, it is as if the alpha controls were not enabled.

    This had happened in my other program a few months ago, but I thought it was some bug in my code, but it was not.

    Please help me solve this problem, or if necessary, fix already for the next version, I need it for this week already.

    Thank you for your attention.


    Paulo, have you seen this one:

    I experience similar issues with TThreads and TFrames.


    do you use synchronize to call this procedure?

    else its not working correctly and not thread safe!

    and try to update your package. 7.08 already exist!


    Hello Paulo!

    Is it possible to reintroduce a problem in the test-application?

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