8.10 Window Sate Maximized

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  • #35495

    If I maximize my form, minimize it and then restore it the form is drawn in wsNormal size instead of wsMaximize size. This is the same bug as http://www.alphaskins.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7290 but for me it is not fixed in 8.10.

    I tried to make a small demo program with the bug, but I couldn't reproduce the bug. The bug is only in my existing form.

    I'm using BCB2007 under Windows XP.


    I got a workaround for the bug. I capture the width and height of the form before it is minimized (using SC_MINIMIZE message). Then I set the form width and height after minimizing is finished (using SIZE_MINIMIZED message).

    It turns out that the form's width and height gets changed during minimizing to the width and height of wsNormal state. This appeared to happen every 2nd time I minimized.

    I tried to make a small demo with the bug, but I couldn't manage to. The bug only appeared when certain controls on my form had their Visible property toggled.

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