[10.14] How to for a skinchanger form with preview

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  • #36629

    Hi there,

    i´ve tried a few different aproaches, but none of them worked.

    I have a form with several options, that the user can change. I use tabsheets for the different types of options.

    On one tab i would like to integrate a skin-changer via combobox.

    There is a TsPanel on the Tabsheet that i put on all the different kinds of components the app itself has, as a example.

    When the user changes the skin via combobox, the skinchange should only be visible on THIS panel and its sub-components.

    I couldnt figure out, how to do this.

    Could you give me an idea as this is done right?

    Or if this is possible at all.



    You saw a preview area in the ASkinDemo application?

    Look it, maybe that's what you want?


    Wow, didn´t notice that one.

    That is exactly what i was looking for.

    Thank you.

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