AlphaControls for Lazarus

  • This topic has 47 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by mol.
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  • #35348

    There is a project, called Lazarus, which mimics Delphi, but is completely free. The Lazarus environment allows you to compile and cross compile your programs in a large number of environments like Windows 32 en 64, Linux and Arm processors for mobile devices. The IDE is quite complete and the language constructs are all highly compatible with Delphi. Many Delphi programs can be recompiled under Lazarus without significant modification.

    There is one very complete and free implementation, that will have you working with Lazarus in no time: the CodeTyphon version.

    All Lazarus implementations suffer from the same omission: an extensive set of nice looking, professional controls. This is where AlphaControls could fill a gap. The Lazarus environment does not preclude commercial additions, so there could be a new market for you Serge.

    I would love to see AlphaControls in a Linux environment or on a mobile phone.

    Maybe you can look into this, Serge. Let me know what you think 😎

    Vriendelijke groeten ;-}



    Hi Serge,

    There's already a starting interest in AlphaControls from the Lazarus community.

    They are taking your work as a study object: Lazarus forum msg.

    Have a look at Lazarus, please.


    Hello HeDiBo!

    I'm sorry, I was not seen your previous message (don't know why :blush:)

    I will install and research the Lazarus soon.

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello HeDiBo!

    I'm sorry, I was not seen your previous message (don't know why :blush:)

    I will install and research the Lazarus soon.

    Did you have a chance to have a look at it?


    Hello Dick!

    Yes, I have tried the Lazarus already and see that this IDE is promising.

    But a lot of code should be changed in the AlphaControls for adding of compatibility with Lazarus.

    It's possible, but many time needed for that, unfortunately. I can't say now will be Lazarus supported or not.

    You think, this work will be paid off?

    'Support' wrote:

    You think, this work will be paid off?

    Just have a look at the list of Operating Systems / Processor combinations supported:

    tsystem =
    system_none, { 0 }
    obsolete_system_i386_GO32V1,{ 1 }
    system_i386_GO32V2, { 2 }
    system_i386_linux, { 3 }
    system_i386_OS2, { 4 }
    system_i386_Win32, { 5 }
    system_i386_freebsd, { 6 }
    system_m68k_Amiga, { 7 }
    system_m68k_Atari, { 8 }
    system_m68k_Mac, { 9 }
    system_m68k_linux, { 10 }
    system_m68k_PalmOS, { 11 }
    system_alpha_linux, { 12 }
    system_powerpc_linux, { 13 }
    system_powerpc_macos, { 14 }
    system_i386_solaris, { 15 }
    system_i386_beos, { 16 }
    system_i386_netbsd, { 17 }
    system_m68k_netbsd, { 18 }
    system_i386_Netware, { 19 }
    system_i386_qnx, { 20 }
    system_i386_wdosx, { 21 }
    system_sparc_solaris, { 22 }
    system_sparc_linux, { 23 }
    system_i386_openbsd, { 24 }
    system_m68k_openbsd, { 25 }
    system_x86_64_linux, { 26 }
    system_powerpc_darwin, { 27 }
    system_i386_EMX, { 28 }
    system_powerpc_netbsd, { 29 }
    system_powerpc_openbsd, { 30 }
    system_arm_linux, { 31 }
    system_i386_watcom, { 32 }
    system_powerpc_MorphOS, { 33 }
    system_x86_64_freebsd, { 34 }
    system_i386_netwlibc, { 35 }
    system_powerpc_Amiga, { 36 }
    system_x86_64_win64, { 37 }
    system_arm_wince, { 38 }
    system_ia64_win64, { 39 }
    system_i386_wince, { 40 }
    system_x86_6432_linux, { 41 }
    system_arm_gba, { 42 }
    system_powerpc64_linux, { 43 }
    system_i386_darwin, { 44 }
    system_arm_palmos, { 45 }
    system_powerpc64_darwin, { 46 }
    system_arm_nds, { 47 }
    system_i386_embedded, { 48 }
    system_m68k_embedded, { 49 }
    system_alpha_embedded, { 50 }
    system_powerpc_embedded, { 51 }
    system_sparc_embedded, { 52 }
    system_vm_embedded, { 53 }
    system_iA64_embedded, { 54 }
    system_x86_64_embedded, { 55 }
    system_mips_embedded, { 56 }
    system_arm_embedded, { 57 }
    system_powerpc64_embedded, { 58 }
    system_i386_symbian, { 59 }
    system_arm_symbian, { 60 }
    system_x86_64_darwin, { 61 }
    system_avr_embedded, { 62 }
    system_i386_haiku, { 63 }
    system_arm_darwin, { 64 }
    system_x86_64_solaris, { 65 }
    system_mipseb_linux, { 66 }
    system_mipsel_linux, { 67 }
    system_i386_nativent, { 68 }
    system_i386_iphonesim, { 69 }
    system_powerpc_wii, { 70 }
    system_x86_64_openbsd, { 71 }
    system_x86_64_netbsd, { 72 }
    system_powerpc_aix, { 73 }
    system_powerpc64_aix, { 74 }
    system_jvm_java32, { 75 }
    system_jvm_android32 { 76 }

    That's a very long list, where most of these combinations, including the Windows versions, do not have a visual control package nearly as sophisticated as AlphaControls.

    This page lists also a number of commercial packages: http://wiki.lazarus….d_Code_examples

    TMS Software has versions of there packages for Lazarus.

    So, yes, there's definitely a market for your product. Just think of the possibilities with smart phone software, with Mac OS and with all kind of Linux and Unix systems.


    This means that new library should be created, where controls are not based on Windows controls…

    'Support' wrote:

    This means that new library should be created, where controls are not based on Windows controls…

    That's true, but the TButton from the standard library also works in all the supported environments, Windows or otherwise. Which shows that it's possible to create general components for different environments.


    Hello AlphaControls team,

    we're using AlphaControls in all our commercial projects (of course registered version).

    We also evaluated Lazarus because it is the only IDE where our projects can be ported into. Many our customers wish the configuration software for our controllers to run on Linux and the only way we recommend now is: You can use Wine (or Windows virtual machine).

    But, have you ever seen your components running under Wine? It is horrible!

    Please do not take this as blaming you, I just know there are limitations in Wine, incompatibilites etc.

    Furthermore, FTDI USB which we use is not running under Wine so far, either.

    We cannot simply switch off Alphacontrols because all our marketing and manuals etc. are built on it and I personally like that controls.

    We will port the applications to Linux either way (just making other form files and some code hacking so we can use one source for both), but I would really appreciate making Alpha controls for Lazarus.

    Of course we would pay for it.

    Best regards

    Tomas Krysl

    'tomkrysl' wrote:

    We will port the applications to Linux either way (just making other form files and some code hacking so we can use one source for both), but I would really appreciate making Alpha controls for Lazarus.

    Of course we would pay for it.

    There you have it, Serge. This customer is even willing to pay for your efforts. I told you there would be interest in AC in the Lazarus community.

    Just consider it, will you?

    Keep up the good work!

    Vriendelijke groeten ;-}




    Unfortunately, I don't know where to find a time for that πŸ˜•


    I would gladly donate more money, if AC would work under Lazarus.

    (Win+Linux+ later Android … do not care about iOS).

    Currently I'm considering to transfer my whole PizzaProgram to FreePascal, because Delphi updates have horrible prices.

    The new Delphi XEx versions have already some kind of choosable skin-kontrol, but Lazarus controls look lame > So there is a big market for them I think.

    PS: Lazarus components (.LPK) have to be written only ONCE ! Because they're designed to be compatible with all (earlier and future) Lazarus versions! (Not like at Delphi)

    And the forum is great and fast responsive too !

    I'm sure they would help you immediately, if you need.



    PS: Christmas time is coming = PLENTY of free free time ! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    Hello Laci, you are migrated to Lazarus too? 😐


    Hi all,

    I'm guessing porting AlphaControls to Lazarus won't be an easy task, but Lazarus community is very helpful and is growing everyday. Since prices for Delphi updates are more than a joke, more and more people are looking for cheaper (or free) alternatives. I know a lot of people who switched to other languages for that reason (well, it's not the only reason).

    One of the few reasons I continue to use Delphi is because it has great components (in my case JVCL-JCL and AlphaControls). If those components were to be ported to Lazarus, I'd not hasitate a second to switch to Lazarus. I'm guessing many Lazarus users would gladly pay for your product, since IDE costs nothing.

    These are my humble opinions about this subject.



    To be honest, I'm strictly against supporting Lazarus at this time. Serge is the only developer of AlphaControls, and the progress of the regular Delphi version would suffer greatly if resources would be diverted to Lazarus. People who almost exclusively use freeware software are usually not willing to pay, as the Linux world has taught us over and over and over again. I'm almost certain that investing into Lazarus is a dead end financially, and for most of Serge's paying customers, taking substantial time away from further development of the Delphi version would be a slap in the face.

    My 2c



    Serge, there is a proof of concept. A complete GUI interface package that is compatible across the operating systems Lazarus is used: fpGui. Its design principles could form the basis for AlphaControls too. Of course it is nowhere near the quality and looks of AlphaControls πŸ˜›

    'mol' wrote:

    I'm almost certain that investing into Lazarus is a dead end financially, and for most of Serge's paying customers, taking substantial time away from further development of the Delphi version would be a slap in the face.

    Maybe Serge should worry about that. It looks like you think the AlphaControls package is not complete enough to pay for it πŸ˜•

    'HeDiBo' wrote:
    Maybe Serge should worry about that.

    There are people out there who are still trying to make a living with Delphi and AlphaControls. You're quite obviously not one of them.

    'HeDiBo' wrote:
    It looks like you think the AlphaControls package is not complete enough to pay for it

    Just because I don't support your idea of wasting time and energy for a freeware project at the expense of the vast majority of people here who use Delphi? Interesting.

    'mol' wrote:

    There are people out there who are still trying to make a living with Delphi and AlphaControls. You're quite obviously not one of them.

    You know nothing about me.

    Did you pay for a lifetime license for AlphaControls too?

    When did you complete your last Unix project using Delphi?


    Hi Mol. I am a user of Delphi and Alphacontrols and skins.

    At $500 a year, to upgrade my Delphi, this is too much, mainly because bug fixes are not done and the same

    old problems keep cropping up. (PS : I statted with TurboPascal back in '86 or '87, I have progressed through

    all TP's and Delphi's until XE. It will be my last. I just can't afford it.

    I will be moving to another language. Power-Pure-True basic come to mind. But I hate to leave the comfort of

    my Borland products.. But I will. Lazarus fits the comfort bill. Yes. I will be dontating to the Lazarus

    camp as well as Alpha Controls when it is converted.

    Please look back at the old forums, not much is being asked about delphi (except 7 – Cause it worked.)

    As much as I hate the the thoughts, Delphi will go the way of most borland products. Dead.

    George Lewins.



    I am a user of turbo pascal and delphi since 1984

    I stop at version 8 and income laversion 7

    Delphi is the multiplatform day, but the VCL are not supported in this mode.

    I took a alphaskin license. I find this very interresting bibiliothΓ©que.

    New versions of Delphi are very expensive and I am looking to date to change EDI, see programming language.

    Lazaus is always followed and that day and is now robust alphaskin for lazarus is essential for the survival of ALPHASKIN products, and I think it will be a lot of users that follow, I am near to pay for a license for ALPHASKIN LAZARUS 100$ against 1000$ for DELPHI PROFESSIONAL


    Neuts JL

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