TsDecimalSpinEdit Oddity

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by TAZ.
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  • #69553


    I have a sample project with only a TsDecimalSpinEdit with its Change Event that fires a message.

    If you have the DecimalPlaces set to 2 (which is the default value) and run the project, the Create Event message appears. The Change Event message naturally does not fire until a change event occurs.

    If you have the DecimalPlaces set to any value other than 2 (even 0) and run the project, the Change Event fire first then the Create Event message appears. Something is wrong. If you put code in the Change Event (under this condition) for anything that needs to be created like a string list you get an access violation.

    I tested this in both Tokyo and Rio.


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    Hello and thank you for the demo project.
    Which AlphaControls version do you use? I’m trying to recompile and repeat it and haven’t a described issue.
    Can you uploade the Exe-file please? I will see a real version of the used package.


    I am using the latest version 15.15.

    I do not think I made things clear.

    In the IDE set sDecimalSpinEdit1 DecimalPlaces to 0 or 1 or any other number except 2.
    Run the program. Change event message occurs first, then Create event message occurs.

    In the IDE set sDecimalSpinEdit1 DecimalPlaces to 2.
    Run the program. Create event message occurs. Change event only occurs if there is a change.

    In the demo I set DecimalPlaces to 1.

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    Thank you, I can repeat and fix it now.


    Fixed, thanks.

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