OnValidateError has may be more functional in TsCalcEdit

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  • #69136

    Normally masks for TsCalcEdit do not cause an OnValidateError (edits follow the mask automatically). But there is a situation in Ts(DB)CalcEdit where there is use for OnValidateError: the entered value exceeds the MaxValue/MinValue values. I would like a validate error event if this is true (it should be accompanied with an InhibitAutoMaxMin property, suppressing the automatic value change to Min or Max).
    As it is now, the automatic change to max / min will escape the user’s attention to typing errors.


    Thank you for suggestion, this property will be added in the nearest release.
    The InhibitAutoMaxMin name is Ok? or maybe name it as AutoValueCorrect or something other?


    AutoValueCorrect is fine. Default must be True then.

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