Odd borders on bsDialog forms

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  • #69088
    Andy Bell


    I’m brand new to AlphaSkins and am using C++ Builder 2007

    I get weird borders around any form that has a border style of bsDialog. The screenshot of a Message Box demonstrates it.

    I’ve tried turning ExtendedBorders off and on or using AlphaBlend on my own forms but they all look bad… Other border styles look good.

    Is there a workaround?


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    I will check it and I hope to find a solution very soon.


    I have some troubles with repeating of this issue.
    Maybe some Windows configurations should be changed?
    Can you describe your system, please? Size of text is default? Which DPI used there?

    Andy Bell


    Everything is set to default for Windows 10. The above screenshot is of a message box created by ShowMessage(…)

    My screen resolution is full HD 1920×1080 with a scaling factor of 125% – the recommended factory settings…



    Can you give the demo with Exe-file please?

    Andy Bell


    Attached is a zip file with my project and .EXE

    Also attached is a video of what I see when I run it…

    However, I’ve just found out what the problem is… In my large projects often the BCB Linker cannot cope with their size and crashes. So I’ve been using the third party linker called ulink (available from ftp://ftp.styx.cabel.net/pub/UniLink/) as it’s faster and does not crash with huge projects.

    However, when I linked this demo with the regular linker, the borders displayed properly. Ulink must be doing something in the link that is causing this…

    I’ll ask them to look into it. Can you think of anything that might cause the problem?


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    Andy Bell

    This problem is now resolved. It only happens in the following circumstances:

    C++ Builder prior to v2010
    The compiled program running in Windows 7 or later
    The program linked with Ulink, using its default settings, OR linked with ilink32 with OS version set to V6

    The fix is to put -V5 in ulink’s configuration file. Then the dialog forms then display correctly.

    ilink32 defaults to OS V4 but Ulink defaults to V6. Changing it to V5 is sufficient to make the link correct.

    Why Alpha Skins in C++ Builder 2007 has this problem with the linker set to OS V6 isn’t clear and is probably not worth investigating, given the age of the tech and the very simple fix.


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