Hello Support !
I have a new problem. I have a modal form with some data aware alpha edit controls and two buttons btnOk and btnCancel. Setting btnCancel.Cancel=true the mechanism is little weird. The modal forms KeyPreview:=false.
If a Ts(db)ComboBox popuplist is opened and press Escape then only the popup closes up (it is normal) but if Ts(db)CalcEdit and Ts(db)DateEdit if popup window is visible and press Escape it closes the whole modal form, not only the edit controls popup window.
I can check it OnFormClose and can block the close of modal form, but it would be more elegant, if TsCalcEdit and TsDateEdit would handles the Escape key the same way as handles TsComboBox.
I work with many modal forms with many edit controls, and i dont want to handle it manually on OnFormClose event.
Please repair this.
Thank You !
Best regards