TsPageControl add new function "MarginsTabs"

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  • #37754
    Rafał Drzewiecki

    Hallo Support,

    I added new function in TsPageControl. Now we can set margins tabs. See picture.

    Default settings


    With custom margins


    #support I send you e-mail with sPageControl.pas Please add this option to subsequent updates.


    Thank you for the code.

    I think to name it as MarginsPage, because margins for tabs may be added later (I mean tab areas with glyphs and captions).

    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you for the code.

    I think to name it as MarginsPage, because margins for tabs may be added later (I mean tab areas with glyphs and captions).

    I wanted such feature for a long time. I have a lot of page controls. In fact the whole application is one big page control. Using page controls inside tabs adds a lot of dead waste to the borders. I would welcome this change.


    The PageMargins property works well.

    RafaƂ Drzewiecki proposed to call the subproperties OffsetBottom, etc.Those names are better than just Top, Bottom, etc. Because they really are offsets.

    The property PageMargins has a wrong name, in fact. If they are margins, you would expect left -4 and right -4 to decrease the margin with 4 on both sides. That doesn't happen. Because the values are really shift values i.s.o. margin values.

    So, either PageMargins defines margins, or its name has to change into PageOffsets. The latter would cover the implementation nicely.


    Names of these subproperties are changed in the v13.12

    'Support' wrote:

    Names of these subproperties are changed in the v13.12

    It's fine now a3.gif

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