I have a TsDBLookupComboBox that can be used to select a record in certain situations, but should just show the current ListField[ListFieldIndex] text without allowing to select anything else.
The easiest and least complicated way to do that looks to be to hide the button with the down arrow. Is there a way to accomplish that?
Easiest way will be changing a width of button to 0, I think (declared as private).
Look attached demo, it was tested with Delphi 7 only.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Unfortunately it only works if the TsDBLookupCombo is not skinned. If you clear the SkinSection in the SkinData property and add a skinmanager and skinprovider, it doesn't work anymore.
PS. I didn't know you could fill in something like TSDBLOOKUPCOMBOBOX in the skin section. I assume anything not predefined turns skinning off.
I came across this yesterday, and I cannot understand what makes this work.
Because basically you add two variables to TDBLookupControl. When you leave out the FDataList variable, which is not used in the source at all, it doesn't work anymore
What tricks are you playing with this? How does this work? Shouldn't there be a more civil way of getting the effect of hiding the drop down button?