Mainmenu Mouseover Icon Disruption Bug

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  • #37266

    I can reproduct this bug in 11.22 with Delphi 7 on Windows 10 Pro. Tested also with a 5 month old Alphacontrols (bug also present), so it was not introduced recently.

    You can see on the screenshots the distortion of the mainmenu icon after you go once with the mouse over the menu item (so the item gets the mouseover selection, and then loses it because you go with the mouse to the next menu item). Images are zoomed in by 400%. You see the ugly red line added to the bottom of the icon. It happens with all the icons. The problem is solved if SkinManager/SkinProvider is removed from the project (but the menu is not skinned then of course). I have attached screenshot and a test project with only Mainmenu, SkinManager, SkinProvider and TsAlphaImageList (for the icons) present.


    Thank you for the demo. I see this issue and I'll try to solve it in the nearest release.


    What is your Delphi version number?

    I'm trying to repeat it with Delphi 7, but there is no bug, my Exe is attached.


    I have this problem also with your exe. Tested on two Windows 10 systems.


    Thank you for the info, I have found a reason of the problem. This issue will be solved in the nearest release.

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