EOSError after closing skinned ActiveX Form

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  • #37226
    Gino D

    This isn't an urgent problem, but I keep getting an EOSError after closing an application that's the owner of a skinned ActiveX form.

    The error doesn't appear when I set the TsSkinManager.Active property to False.

    A workaround seems to be to manually destroy the ActiveX form in the OnDestroy event of the main application.

    Test Application:

    [attachment=8025:Test Application.rar]


    Project2_TLB.pas doesn't exists, could you send me this file?

    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Project2_TLB.pas doesn't exists, could you send me this file?

    The TLB file is auto-created when you import the activeX object into your (exe) project and will probably need to be restructured since it contains location-based information.

    Steps for Delphi XE6:

    First you need to register the .ocx file (command prompt (as administrator) > regsvr32 Project2.ocx)

    After this step, in the project of the EXE file delete the current Project2_TLB.pas from the project (project manager, right click, remove from project).

    Then go to the View tab > Registered Type Libraries and search for an entry with the same filename as the previously registered .ocx file.

    Select this entry and click on “Import”, check “Generate Component Wrappers”, click “Next” and finally click “Finish”.

    The steps may vary for other versions of Delphi, I remember that in Delphi 7, you needed to use “project” > “import type library” instead of “Registered type libraries”


    Thank you for the info, I will try to fix it in the nearest release.

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