ExtendedBorders property causing EAccessViolations

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  • #37206


    I have been working with an issue in AlphaControls found while using it in my companies software. We were getting access violations in module “acntCB2010_R.bpl” when our software would generate .rtf or .pdf files while maximized.

    After digging through our code, searching through the forum, and testing out changing some properties in the SkinManager I eventually found that setting the ExtendedBorders property of the SkinManager to false solved this issue and no more access violation errors are popping up when creating these new files.

    For some background information I'm using v11.19 of AlphaControls within C++ Builder 2010.




    Hello, Kevin!

    This exception occurs when document is generated and opened for preview?

    Could you show a screeshot of this preview form without extended borders?

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello, Kevin!

    This exception occurs when document is generated and opened for preview?

    Could you show a screeshot of this preview form without extended borders?

    So we're not necessarily opening the file for preview. We are using the Windows ShellExecute function to open the new files. So the files aren't shown within any Alpha Controls form but are opened in whatever default program the specific file type opens in.



    Could you give me some additional information, please?

    I need it for repeating of the issue. How can I repeat it?

    This AV occurs when ShellExecute is called?


    So the access violation actually occurs after the new file is closed. So maybe it is even with the underlying Windows function for closing windows? It seems to only happen when our application is maximized as well when opening the new file. And to be more specific the actual method call we are using is

    int hResult = (int)ShellExecuteW(Application->Handle, NULL, objectPath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    It appears to happen more frequently when on a Windows 10 machine. It will happen on a Windows 7 machine but not nearly as often. It may sound silly too but if the access violation doesn't occur when first opening the new file I was able to get it to appear by spamming the maximize then restore down button of the window many times then closing the window when it's maximized.

    Hopefully this helps, if there is anything else you need to know hopefully I can give you an answer.



    So the access violation actually occurs after the new file is closed.

    Do you mean – after the window with a file preview closing? And when the main window is activated?

    'Support' wrote:

    Do you mean – after the window with a file preview closing? And when the main window is activated?

    Yes, that is what I mean.

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