How to change the line thickness of a TsTrackbar?

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  • #37038
    Gino D

    How would i go about changing the line thickness of the TsTrackbar (not the thumb, but the line over which the thumb slides). Is there a property or do I need to change something in the skin? I can't seem to find any info about this in the tutorials or documentation.

    Thank you, Gino


    Hello, Gino

    This line may be changed by changing of the skin only, in the skin editor ('TRACKBAR' section / TrackBar data / Slider channel mask)

    Gino D

    Ok, this worked, thank you, but for some reason I can't change the skinsection of the trackbar at runtime.

    The new skinsection only applies after I set the skinmanager to Active = False and then to True again?

    PS. How do you enable the 'Trackbar Data' tab in the skineditor for a custom made skinsection, now I have to use the 'Manual Edit' mode to set the bitmap images.

    Ok, this worked, thank you, but for some reason I can't change the skinsection of the trackbar at runtime.

    The new skinsection only applies after I set the skinmanager to Active = False and then to True again?

    I'm sorry, what you mean? The control is not repainted after the SkinSection property changing?

    PS. How do you enable the 'Trackbar Data' tab in the skineditor for a custom made skinsection, now I have to use the 'Manual Edit' mode to set the bitmap images.

    You can open the Options form, “Sections lists” page, and add your new section into the “TrackBar Data” listbox.

    After focusing to your section a new tab will be available.

    Gino D

    The trackbar keeps using the default skinsection after applying the new one until the skin is deactivated and reactivated.

    I've created a test application to demonstrate (Compiled with Delphi XE6):

    [attachment=7766:Trackbar Skinsection]


    Thank you, I see it now.

    This issue is solved in the version 11, you can try it.

    Next version (11.1) will be named as stable, I think.

    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you, I see it now.

    This issue is solved in the version 11, you can try it.

    Next version (11.1) will be named as stable, I think.

    Thank you, I think I'll wait for the stable version then, any idea when it will be released?


    Nearest few weeks, I think.

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