Repaint behaviour TsEdit

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  • #36995
    Gino D

    I'm implementing a system where a touchscreen keyboard slides into view after clicking on a TsEdit and noticed a difference in the repaint behaviour of the edit while the keyboard is sliding. When a font is applied to the skinsection, the TsEdit turns gray when sliding.



    Can you explain why this happens and (possibly) how to prevent it (even with a custom font color)?

    Thank you




    Are you trying to set own font color there? Can you show a sample-application with this behaviour?

    Gino D

    There was no custom font applied to the control, the only difference was in the fontcolor of the 'EDIT' skinsection in the skin itself.

    Sample application: []


    I'm sorry, I doesn't see a difference. What should I do?

    Maybe I need a touchscreen for reproducing the issue?

    Gino D

    I can recreate the problem on another pc which doesn't have a touchscreen, so I don't think that's the problem. I've tested it on 2 Windows 10 pc's and 1 Windows 7 Embedded and they all show the same behaviour. In my test application a second form is shown after you click on the edit and while this form is running code the text disappears from the edit.

    I just noticed that if you close the second form, the edit starts to paint normally again, maybe this is why you don't see the problem? Instead of closing it, just minimize the form and click on the edit again, you should see the text in the edit disappear.


    Ok, thanks, I see it. This issue exists for both skins. I will research why it happens.

    Gino D

    Oops, added the same one twice, sorry! (The internal skin named 'padplast' has the correct behaviour)

    Gino D

    Any news on this subject so far? Or maybe a workaround?


    This issue must be solved already. You tried latest versions of the package?

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