Weird bug appeared in the latest version (Windows 7 embedded only)

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  • #36986
    Gino D

    After upgrading from version 10.17 to version 10.29 we encountered a strange problem when a DLL has the unit sComboBox in its 'uses' section and is compiled with Delphi XE6.

    If you implement this DLL in a program compiled with Delphi 7 then that program won't start automatically from the windows 'Startup' directory after booting.

    The program seems to be running in task manager but does not use a lot of memory and does not run any code (not even Application.Initialize). It still runs perfect when you start it manually. We've only been able to recreate this problem in Windows 7 Embedded (Service Pack 1).

    We've changed back to the previous version as a temporary fix so this is not an urgent problem for us.

    Test applications: []



    Can I look it on your PC somehow?

    Gino D

    I'm afraid that will be impossible, that system is not connected to any network (it's part of an automated pressbrake system).

    However, we can run test applications and take screenshots for you?

    'Gino wrote:
    However, we can run test applications and take screenshots for you?

    Maybe you can cut some code from your application and make a test-app based on your application?

    Gino D

    I added a dll and an exe in my first post, you need both to recreate the problem. The Exe was built with Delphi 7 and the dll with Delphi XE6, so i suspect it's related to the difference in how the string types are handled in each version, but i'm not sure.


    Size of your compiled Dll is smaller than 400Kb Why?

    This file was compiled with sComboBox? Are you sure?

    Gino D

    That is very strange, didn't notice that… I've just reinstalled version 10.29, did a rebuild and strangely enough the problem seems to be gone now. The compiled DLL is bigger now too. Perhaps something went wrong during the installation of the alphacontrols the first time or it was some kind of compiler error, maybe a corrupt .dcu? I did create multiple test applications that day so I am certain that the DLL in the attachment was compiled with the sCombobox unit. If the problem occurs again i'll try to get you some more information.


    Yes, Dll should have much bigger size. After recompiling of both projects under Delphi 7 and Delphi XE6 threre is no problem anymore…

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