TsCombobox display-bug

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  • #36746


    I have a problem with the TsCombobox (AlphaControls version 10.19). A demo-project is attached.

    Description of my problem:

    Click on Button1. Then a gray TsPanel becomes visible. When the cursor enters that panel, a combobox becomes visible, when you exit it, the combobox becomes invisible etc. Now, the problem is, that when you enter the panel “fast” (from the top) such that the cursor is above the combobox, then the text within the combobox is not dispayed. It looks like that the inner part of the combobox becomes invisible because when a label is placed behind the combobox, this label can be seen even the combobox is in front of it.

    First, I expected it to be an error in my code but when I set the skin-managers property active to false, the problem does not occur anymore.

    Do not forget to adjust the skin-directory property of the skin-manager 🙂 I simplyfied the skin as much as possible.

    Can you please have a look at it? Thank you in advance.


    Hi again,

    I found another display-bug which can be tested with my demo-application:

    Add a timer (timer1) to Unit 1 and set the following timer procedure:

    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    if sComboBox1.ItemIndex = 0 then
    sComboBox1.ItemIndex := 1
    sComboBox1.ItemIndex := 0;

    When the ItemIndex = 1 and you move the cursor from the combobox to the gray panel, then the itemindex is set to 0. This causes a display-bug in the combobox. “Item0” and “Item1” is shown at the same time.


    Hello! Thank you for the demo.

    I see that parent controls are not skinned there. I think, it's a reason of the problem, because some service messages are not broadcasted to child controls.

    Can you add support of skins to the parent windows?


    How to skin the parent controls? By setting the Property SkinData.SkinSection of these controls? That did not solve the problem.

    Can you modify my demo-app such that the problems do not occur anymore?


    Hello again!

    I have found that reason of this issue is in animation of controls.

    You can fix it quickly by disabling the sSkinManager1.Effects.AllowAnimation property.

    I will try to find a stable solution for this issue.


    Thank you! I will wait for a stable solution for this problem 🙂


    You can check it in the AlphaControls v10.21


    In the demo-application: The bug with invisible text is vanished but the Bug that “Item 0” and “Item 1” are shown at the same time can still be reproduced. Can you please check again? Thank you 🙂

    In my “real” application both bugs are still present 🙁

    Only when I set sSkinManager1.Effects.AllowAnimation to false, the problem is fixed. I do not want to change any property as I do not know if it affects other parts of the application.


    I think, I have found a reason of the problem. Please, wait the v10.22 and try it.

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