Beta 10.x installation problems

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  • #36511

    Hi i tried to use 10.04 , built from Source

    When I try to build – xPack280 is not found -> added Trial to search -> build and installation works.

    When I try to rebuild the application -> it opens acZLibEx ins Source Editor (never used in my Project) and says: (sorry – german …)

    [dcc32 Fataler Fehler] acZLibEx.pas(1096): F2051 Unit xPack280 wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von acZLibEx.TZDecompressionStream compiliert

    xPack280 was compiled with a different Version of acZLibEx.TZDecompressionStream

    acZLibEx.pas(1096) – the file has only 1095 Lines …

    I think its in combination with the new encrypted skins feature

    How can that be turned off totally – as I'm using the source version – and don't want to be dependant on ANY *.dcu

    Had to go back to 9.20

    Regards from Switzerland



    Hello Beat!

    What is your Delphi version? xPack280.dcu is not included in the package?

    'bdegli' wrote:

    Hi i tried to use 10.04 , built from Source

    When I try to build – xPack280 is not found -> added Trial to search -> build and installation works.

    When I try to rebuild the application -> it opens acZLibEx ins Source Editor (never used in my Project) and says: (sorry – german …)

    [dcc32 Fataler Fehler] acZLibEx.pas(1096): F2051 Unit xPack280 wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von acZLibEx.TZDecompressionStream compiliert

    xPack280 was compiled with a different Version of acZLibEx.TZDecompressionStream

    acZLibEx.pas(1096) – the file has only 1095 Lines …

    I think its in combination with the new encrypted skins feature

    How can that be turned off totally – as I'm using the source version – and don't want to be dependant on ANY *.dcu

    Had to go back to 9.20

    Regards from Switzerland



    XE7 in the office XE6 at home

    all the xPack*.dcu are in the Trial directory … build worked after I added trial to the searchpath of acDelphiXE7.groupproj

    The groupproject consists xPack280.pas (wich is NOT present) -> iadded trial to search path – and build went ok.

    The error occurs when I try to link the application!

    Switching back to 9.20 and the Application compiles (without changing any line of code)



    This problem is solved in latest Stable releases.

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