User ThumbGlyph Transparente in TsTrackBar

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  • #36433

    Yesterday, I was trying to use a Bitmap Glyph, to replace the Standard Thumb, but I want to use a “transparent” image.

    I Don't know how is the correct image format, or what property of component need to use.

    'aballiva' wrote:

    Yesterday, I was trying to use a Bitmap Glyph, to replace the Standard Thumb, but I want to use a “transparent” image.

    I Don't know how is the correct image format, or what property of component need to use.

    What do you mean with “Standard Thumb”?

    In which component do you want to use a bitmap glyph?

    If you want to use images with buttons:

    The easiest way to use transparent images is using a TAlphaImageList (under AlphaTools) and

    adding PNG-images to the list.

    Now you can use a TsBitBtn, which you can connect by setting the property “Images” to

    the TAlphaImageList. With the ImageIndex you can choose what image to show on the button.



    You tried to use 32bit image for transparent painting?

    Can you make and send me a small demo with your thumb glyph?

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