VirtualImageList Question

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  • #36193

    I am having to go through each of my sVirtualImageList controls and uncheck “UseCache”.

    I am using the sVirtualImageList for the the sToolBar ImageList.

    If “UseCache” is checked the images do not appear.

    Is this a bug ? Please educate me about its use if this is not a bug.


    'TAZ' wrote:

    I am having to go through each of my sVirtualImageList controls and uncheck “UseCache”.

    I am using the sVirtualImageList for the the sToolBar ImageList.

    If “UseCache” is checked the images do not appear.

    Is this a bug ? Please educate me about its use if this is not a bug.



    I've asked the programmer (Serge) to rewrite the sVirtualImageList component, so it's NOT cashing each and every picture at the beginning immediately , but should wait until any of the pictures being accessed. This way it speeds up program loading, and using less memory. (Storing ONLY those being used.)

    See: ImageList caching topic…

    But it should automatically appear, and it should render those, you wish to show! So it is probably a small bug.

    I will test it today with the newest stable relase and report back.

    If you want a fast solution, you can try to render each picture at the beginning by using this new procedure:

    myVirtList.RenderCacheNow(-1); // parameter -1 means it should render ALL

    Turning OFF the cache is using less memory, but slowing down paint process, because it has to calculate stretching and softening each time.


    PS: anyway … what do you mean by “each of my sVirtualImageList controls” ? Do you have more than 1-2 ? Why?


    Simple. The toolbar has imagelist, hot imagelist and disabled imagelist. Therefore, I have need 3 imagelist which means I need 3 virtualimagelist controls too. That is unless there is a better way to utilize this.



    I think I have found a reason of the problem and I will fix it in the next release.



    'Support' wrote:


    I think I have found a reason of the problem and I will fix it in the next release.

    Great ! … you where faster than me 🙂

    I have too many work now, and sadly could not find the reason why I can not compile with the new release.

    Installed into a new directory, and now it does not find the AC… files, even if I add the folder to the search path :a1: )

    Spent already 4 hours.

    'SzakiLaci' wrote:
    Great ! … you where faster than me 🙂

    I have too many work now, and sadly could not find the reason why I can not compile with the new release.

    Installed into a new directory, and now it does not find the AC… files, even if I add the folder to the search path :a1: )

    Spent already 4 hours.

    You saw topics in the “Installation” part? Maybe your problem has been solved there already?



    'Support' wrote:

    You saw topics in the “Installation” part? Maybe your problem has been solved there already?

    OMFG … THANKS for the help ! :bravo:

    I haven't ever realized there is a pinned INSTALLATION part of the forum. Saw only the Tips and Troublebleshooting topics yet. With this I was able to fix it in 1 minute 😛

    (had to add search path to Tools/Environment options/Library/Library too. :18: )

    1.) Can you please add this link :

    to the install.txt file to your package at the 2th line with:

    More detailed installation with pictures:

    and also it would be cool, if you could copy ALL Common questions, and typical error msgs to the end of text …

    from here:

    This had saved me 4 hours 🙁

    'TAZ' wrote:

    Simple. The toolbar has imagelist, hot imagelist and disabled imagelist. Therefore, I have need 3 imagelist which means I need 3 virtualimagelist controls too. That is unless there is a better way to utilize this.

    I wrote a long long letter this afternoon, clicked Send … and nothing happened 🙁 web site was off-line. So I've lost it.

    The short version:

    – Yes, it's a bug. Tested. Serge will probably fix it soon 😀


    v9.11 >> toolbar problem solved ! That was fast, congrat…


    I have found an other strange behaviour about memory consumption :

    (Tested with the virt.list. DEMO program downloaded from this site.)

    1. if I turn OFF caching = 40.2 MB

    2. than I turn it ON >> = 33.7 MB (it drops DOWN ! ???)

    3. run the test = 51.4 MB

    4. … see 1.)

    So basicly it seems like it works the opposite way it should, but the speed test shows other way !

    – if I turn OFF cash > nothing should change ! (Already cached pictures should remain in memory)

    – if I turn it on > max the first 4 visible pictures should be cached

    Why is that ?

    'SzakiLaci' wrote:
    I have found an other strange behaviour about memory consumption :

    Why is that ?

    Interesting. I will research that.

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