I am running version 8.53 on Delphi 2010.
Here is how to see the problem that I am having with Application.MessageBox:
Create a new unskinned project and add this to a button event:
i := Application.MessageBox('Do you want to answer this question?',
'My Message Title', MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION);
if i = IDYES then
Run it, click the button and instead of clicking either the Yes or No button, click the cancel button (the X) at the upper right corner of the dialog windows. Nothing happens because it is disabled (and it appears disabled). This is correct behavior.
Now alphaskin the project, and try again. The X doesn't do anything, but it is not completely disabled. I see animation happening when I click on it, which will confuse my customers. They will think something is wrong.
Can the dialog's cancel button be set to disabled in this situation?