[ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'ACNTBCB2009_R.LIB'

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  • #35992

    acntBCB2009_R.cbproj make okay

    acntBCB2009.cbproj install okay

    add component to form..and build my project then

    [ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'ACNTBCB2009_R.LIB'

    how to fix my problem



    You have enabled a special option in the project options for using “Lib” files, seems.

    Try this way:

    1) Open the acntBCB2009_R.cbproj package and change “Generate static package library” option to True, before compiling (and recompile the package).

    Look attached image, there you can see where is this option may be found.

    Write here again if problem is not solved, please.

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