TsPageControl issues

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  • #35693


    Version 8.30 of AC introduces an issue with the TsPageControl having a ttMenu tab item where the Subway skin causes a white line above the menu text (see attached). Some combination of changing skins and other actions can cause the white line to be drawn black which leads me to think it is a boundary issue rather than something that has been intentionally changed in the skin.

    There is another issue (or two) associated with the PageControl at design-time when you have ttMenu items where the tab either doesn't display the text or doesn't display the tab at all. This is easy to setup – simply add a TsPageControl and add a few tabs, make on of them a menu item and then select that tab – notice the text disappears from the tab as soon as you move the mouse off the tab. Also, if you make the menu tab the rightmost one in the page control then you have trouble selecting it.

    Please note: the first issue reported above is a runtime issue, the later ones are design time only.



    'Hamilton' wrote:

    Version 8.30 of AC introduces an issue with the TsPageControl having a ttMenu tab item where the Subway skin causes a white line above the menu text (see attached). Some combination of changing skins and other actions can cause the white line to be drawn black which leads me to think it is a boundary issue rather than something that has been intentionally changed in the skin.


    I can not reproduce your issues, who is the owner of the PageControl? The form or another component? When I set the PageControl on a panel with the section CHECKBOX I have the following result as you can see on the picture. The client area will colorized to fuchsia by creating tabs at runtime or the problem also arises when switching between tabs.


    'Hamilton' wrote:


    Version 8.30 of AC introduces an issue with the TsPageControl having a ttMenu tab item where the Subway skin causes a white line above the menu text (see attached). Some combination of changing skins and other actions can cause the white line to be drawn black which leads me to think it is a boundary issue rather than something that has been intentionally changed in the skin.

    There is another issue (or two) associated with the PageControl at design-time when you have ttMenu items where the tab either doesn't display the text or doesn't display the tab at all. This is easy to setup – simply add a TsPageControl and add a few tabs, make on of them a menu item and then select that tab – notice the text disappears from the tab as soon as you move the mouse off the tab. Also, if you make the menu tab the rightmost one in the page control then you have trouble selecting it.

    Please note: the first issue reported above is a runtime issue, the later ones are design time only.




    I have the same problems.

    Delphi XE2

    AC 8.20




    It's possible to make an example for this issue?


    Hello Serge,

    I have added a little demo for this two issues.




    Thank you. The issue will be solved in the nearest release.


    Serge can you please mail me the file if you have a fix for this?

    Also, if you hadn't noticed, it affects tabsheets set to TabType ttButton also.




    Many thanks, works everything perfect in 8.31


    Most importantly, the runtime issue has been fixed in 8.31, and many thanks for that.

    I won't close this ticket however as the design time issue still exists. In the designer, when you select a ttTab or ttMenu item of a page control the caption of that tab disappears.

    To demo, add a TsPageControl to a form. Add 5 tabs to the page control. Make tabs 3, 4 and 5 TabType ttButton tabs but leave tabs 1 and 2 in the default ttTab state. Now, when you click on tab 3, 4 or 5 in the designer then the tab caption disappears. If you click a second tab that is also a ttButton tab then now you have 2 tabs without a caption. If you click on tab that is a regular tab then the caption is redrawn for the button tabs. You can reproduce the same using menu tabs instead of button tabs.




    As well as being happy for the runtime issue being fixed, I need to post to say that I am also very please that my last post here changed my forum status from “The Aged” to “Ace” and I am very grateful for that too. I think it is something that is lost in translation but 'The Aged' just makes one feel old rather than venerable. Someone actually thanked me for a forum post a few weeks ago and called me “The Aged”… Ace is better ph34r.gif rolleyes.gif blush.gif a3.gif.



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