Tip with component "TsTitle Bar"

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  • #35675

    hello everyone, my opinion and put the property “Style” on component “TsTitlebar” because sometimes when changed from Skin button it also changes color, so I think it best orange, then the User to have more options how to be beautiful this button componenet I believe property “Style” could have buttons of various colors, such as blue, red, orange, black,

    more or less like this:



    Well, I hope you understand because I translate the text into google translator … anyway hope you guys be useful to developers

    See you.


    Hi Foxxer,

    The style changes the behaviour of the titlebar items and not the colors specifically; instead the color comes from the active skin. If your users pick a skin that has orange for buttons then you'll get an orange button in the titlebar. For most AC controls there is a SkinData.SkinManager property that you can use to set a skin for a specific control but the title bar items don't have this property so I don't think you'll be able to override the behaviour without some code. I don't have any code handy to do that but it will be something like implementing the OnCustomDraw method to draw the panel – I think there may be something on this in the demo-apps link off the AC main page.

    Something else to consider though – you might like orange in the title but the point of giving people skins is that *they* might not like orange – if they pick a purple skin they'll probably expect a purple button and if you force it to be orange it will look bad. Just something to consider.

    EDIT: I just looked into the titlebar items and can't see any drawing methods you could intercept. I don't have time to look into that further so hopefully Serge or someone else from the forums jumps in soon to offer some advice. Best of luck.



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