Hi there.
I'm using AC V. 6.45 with BCB6.
There is an error if you change the Caption of a form in the OnMouseMove Event. The MouseMoveEvent will be fired without moving the mouse.
The Problem is, I'm using GR32 Library with several BitmapLayers. If you change something in the BitmapLayer while MouseMoving, the same bug occur. So the CPU is running at 100%….not that good in an Imaging Software.
If I deactivate AC 6.45 everything is ok. So the Problem comes not from the Layers.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormMouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift,
int X, int Y)
static int icount = 0;
Caption = icount;
Just insert this code with any Skin activated to see what I mean.
Is this problem solved in newer AC Versions? I didn't update yet (never change a running system….)
Best regards