Hi Serge,
hey aint I a pain in the ass lol!
Just thinking, I know we can have animated 'mouse cursors' and 'icons'(?), I just thought it might be cool if maybe you could think about how you might be able to do this for us
instead of
do u think it might be possible, if you try REALLY hard, lol 😉 to do something like…
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[1].Imageindex := Number;
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[2].Imageindex := Number2;
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[3].Imageindex := Number3;
you also be able to set such things as
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[1].AppearanceLength := HowManyMilliseconds;
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[2].AppearanceLength := HowManyMilliseconds;
sSpeedButton1.AnimateImage[3].AppearanceLength := HowManyMilliseconds;
Which would like give us buttons that animate…
You would be able to add the images to the button in the IDE…. just an extension of what you already have… and I always remember that what you already have is amazing 😉
What do you think? Workable?
EDIT : I can just do it via a timer myself, change the imageindex within that… so it's not a biggie at all just an idea 🙂