Glow problem with spin controls

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  • #35462

    I'm running:

    AlphaControls 7.70

    Delphi 2010

    Windows Vista

    Here is how to replicate the problem:

    1. Create a new VCL Forms application in Delphi.

    2. Add a SkinManager and SkinProvider.

    3. In the SkinManager, set the SkinDirectory property to a folder containing skins.

    4. In the SkinManager, set SkinName to “Black Box”.

    5. Add a sSpinEdit control to the form.

    6. Run the application.

    7. Hover your mouse cursor back-and-forth horizontally over the right side of the sSpinEdit control so that the mouse cursor travels repeatedly between the control's edit box and its up/down arrows.

    When I do this on my system, the glow effect “builds up” until a very bright orange color surrounds the sSpinEdit control.

    The glow effect resets to normal if I move or resize the form.

    This problem is not just related to the “Black Box” skin, it happens with other skins, but because they are lighter in color the problem isn't as noticeable.

    I have found this problem also occurs with the sDecimalSpinEdit and sTimePicker. There may be other controls as well.



    Hi Chris,

    I can't repro this using the Black Box skin with AC 8.04 Beta with Delphi 2010 on Windows 7. Are you able to update to v8.04 and see if the problem persists on your system? I'd understand if you were hesitant to upgrade to a beta version but in this case I think it is a safe move, and new bugs are getting fixed in that branch so an update is probably inevitable.

    PS If you have internal skins, don't forget to go into the skin manager and click “Update All” to get the latest versions of the skins – I think you'll have issues with version 8 if you don't.




    I'll give the beta version a try. Thanks.

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