8.03 for XE3 64bit not working!

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  • #35447

    There is no way to run compiled program using AC 8.03 on Delphi XE3 VCL 64bit application. You can compile it, but you can't run it (process is killed by the system).

    Way to reproduce:

    1. Create new VCL Application in Delphi XE3, and set it to 64bit platform.

    2. Put SkinManager and SkinProvider on the form.

    3. Run it.

    What's wrong:

    The problem is in sGraphUtils.pas unit, in initialization section. Range check error is occuring on this line:

    User32Lib := LoadLibrary(user32);

    …which is killing the program at once.



    I think I know a reason of the problem and I'll try to fix it in the nearest release.

    Thank you for the message.

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