Source File Not Found (*ControlName*).pas

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  • #35425


    hope someone can help me 🙂 I use the F7 key a lot in my apps to step through the program line by line and check on variable status etc. I've used AlphaSkins for a long time now and I'm sure this problem I'm having didn't exist all the time…

    Whenever the step through process meets a line which references an AlphaSkins control…

    for example

    sPanelOptionHeading.Caption := 'MAIN MENU OPTIONS';

    I get a dialog box pop up that says 'Source File Not Found : sPanel.pas' … the dialog is a system dialog and has a checkbox for 'Add directory to Debug Source Path'…I've included a picture of the dialog.


    this happens for all AlphaSkins controls…basically it asks for the location of (ControlName)*.pas

    Pressing any button…for instance cancel or ignore just ends program execution and jumps to the CPU debug screen.

    the thing is the required *.pas files don't exist…under the install directory there are *.dcu files but no *.pas files of the required name. Tried copying all the *.dcu files in the install directory to *.pas files (retaining the *.dcu files) but then everything went crazy and none of my programs would work!!!

    Deleted all *.bpl files, reinstalled v8.03 but still have the same issue.

    I have the path to the Alpha install in my Library Path as


    My projects work just fine with no errors either in the IDE or runtime/exe.

    I'm using v8.03, Windows Vista, Delphi XE. At the moment I'm really limited as to what I can do as the program is now very large! I have a SkinManager on my main form and SkinProviders on all forms.

    I'm sure it's something simple I'm doing wrong!

    Thanks 🙂


    Hello DarrenB,

    maybe you have compiled the alpha package without debug info? In the project management settings you can change it from release to debug and then recompile the package.


    Hi CheshireCat/Sasha 🙂

    many thanks for your reply. When I read it I thought you might be right and that my problem may have been solved but…

    1) Deleted all bpl and dcp files

    2) Deleted directory where I had unzipped files to.

    3) Unzipped v8.03 to directory

    4) Added directory to Library Path in Delphi

    5) Opened acntDelphiXE_r.dpk

    6) Went to Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Compiling and changed 'Debug Information' to true. Compiled.

    7) Opened acntDelphiXE.dpk

    8) Went to Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Compiling and changed 'Debug Information' to true. Installed.

    9) All packages installed okay. My program works as expected.

    except the problem is still there 🙁 F7 still causes the dialog box to be shown and program still defaults to CPU debug mode.

    I tried all possible combination of 6) and 8) with Debug Information set to true/false on each. Still no joy 🙁

    I also tried not changing any of them from my clean install as per the instructions in Install.txt

    Also tried changing the Build Configurations of each from 'Release' to 'Debug' then compiling/installing again same problem 🙁

    I also created a tiny app with SkinManager and SkinProvider on a clean form with one sLabel on it. In code I just did the lines

    sLabel1.left :=50;;


    placed a breakpoint on the first line, ran the program, pressed F7 and got the dialog for sLabel.pas 🙁 So its not specific to my big app but a problem with my configuration…somehow I've screwed things up!!!



    Hello DarrenB,

    you can try the following options:

    • disable the debugger by unchecking “Integrated debugger” option box in the Tools/Debugger options
    • disable the “Stop on Delphi exception” option box in the Tools/Debugger Options on the “Language Exceptions” page
    • try to find your default settings where this dialog won't be appear. Try to toggle “Use Debug DCUs” option, for example
    • add the alpha package to the search path

    I hope these settings might help you 🙂


    Hi Sascha 🙂

    tried those options but none of them worked…apart from the 'Use Debug DCUs' which I toggled on my apps…the downside to that was that every line entered the debugger mode…system dcu's and alphaskins dcu's…the exception dialog went away though! At the moment I can live with the problem…am buying myself AlphaSkins at Christmas for my present to myself so then I'll have the .pas files anyway lol! I figure somehow I have corrupted my settings in the Delphi compiler but I have tried every conceivable combination of toggles relating to it so cannot see what I've done wrong…when I buy the AlphaSkins I'll do a clean reinstall of Delphi itself and hopefully that will get rid of any issues I'm having. Just want to point out to others that this is a problem with my Delphi config and NOT an Alphaskin issue!:):):)

    Thanks for your efforts and suggestions, Sascha, I really appreciate them 🙂

    Best Wishes



    Hello DarrenB!

    Tracing of units will work when Pas-files exist. Thank you for using AlphaControls.

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