Can you please add some sort of a sorting function to the skinmanager?
If I add a new skin to the internal skins it is always attached to the bottom of the list (I know the interalskin editor is showing them in alphabetical order), but they are not sorted alphabetically internally, so when I create the skin list on thy fly in my program they are not sorted.
I've always to remove all skins and add them new in the right order. 🙁
internal skins is a TCollectionItem class and cannot be sorted by default. Maybe you can take a TsListBox or TStringList to show and save the internal skins.
For example:
procedure TForm1.sButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
sListBox1.Items.Clear; // clear the list
sListBox1.Sorted := True; // alphabetical order
// add internal skins to the list
for i := 0 to sSkinManager1.InternalSkins.Count – 1 do