I have encountered a problem with sToolBar. When you double click on the Toolbar this should display the toobar configuration dialog but for some reason this does not happen. For the moment I can use Delphi toolbar which works properly and also looks OK. I just thought you would like to know about the problem.
If you do get the dialog to work then you might want to replace it with your own custom form anyway because it doesn't look 'perfect' with most skins; for instance, the buttons text fits very tightly and the skins that change the font (most of them) often cause the button caption to wrap to a second line. Also, I know I don't use these dialogs in any of my apps because they used to be *extremely* buggy and unreliable (disclaimer: that may be a bias from a long time ago that is no longer warranted). GL.
Yes the Customizable flag is set. I was finally able to get the dialog to open using SendMessage(TB_CUSTOMIZE, 0, 0). Hamilton, I am using Delphi XE. As you pointed out, once I got the dialog to open it is not properly dislayed out and is extremely buggy.
This would be a nice feature but it is not worth the effort to implement it properly.