TsCheckbox and TsRadioButton problems using TntUnicode

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  • #35122

    Hi Serge,

    There are some problems with checkboxes and radiobuttons when using TnTUnicode under D7 (see image)

    1) With autosize set to true, the text is truncated.

    2) When autosize is false and width set large enough to show the text, the focus is wrong.

    3) When the controls are disabled, the text is truncated in both cases.

    If you could manage to fix and include these in the next release I would very much appreciate it.



    Im using D7, Win7x64, AC7.62




    Try to set the Form1.Font.Charset to RUSSIAN_CHARSET in the project with russian resources.


    Thanks Serge, that did fix the problem for this small demo project although it is not such a simple fix for a large project.

    I'm guessing that when using controls with charset set to DEFAULT_CHARSET then if the software is running on a PC running Russian Windows then it should also work.

    My concern is that I don't seem to have to do this for the rest of the components; only checkboxes and radio buttons.

    'rodneyb' wrote:
    I'm guessing that when using controls with charset set to DEFAULT_CHARSET then if the software is running on a PC running Russian Windows then it should also work.

    Yes, your first examples with checkboxes works without problems on my russian PC.

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