TsPathDialog not Unicode compatible

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  • #35114

    Hi Serge,

    I've come across a problem with TsPathDialog when using {$DEFINE TNTUNICODE} under Delphi 7.

    I'm running Win7x64 (english) with the 'Region and Language' in Windows set to the Russian locale.

    My D7 app has had Russian language support added to the project (by 'Project/Languages/Add…') and the Russian translations all set to 'translated'. Only one string has been changed to Russian ('Path').

    When I run the app, the button has the Russian characters correctly but clicking on the button to bring up the TsPathDialog causes an error. If I run the app with the locale set to English then the TsPathDialog shows up without a problem.

    It seems that the TsPathDialog is not supporting TnTControls (unicode) and looking at acPathDialog.pas seems to confirm this.

    Are you able to fix this please? It's the only thing left that is holding back the next release of our software.








    I think, you should add to the Project1.RUS something like this :

    {$R 'acPathDialog.dfm' PathDialogForm:TPathDialogForm}


    I can also add the acPathDialog.PAS and DFM to the project to achieve the same thing. At least then I don't have to edit the Project1.RUS file every time I update the resource DLL/s.

    However, this still doesn't address the problem that the path dialog does not support unicode as shown below. The title and buttons all have Russian strings in the resource DLL but they are not shown since the acPathDialog code does not support WideStrings.

    Can this be fixed?





    Note: the project requires acPathDialog.pas (not included in zip file)


    You should include also this file in the russian project :

    {$R sStrings.res}

    Because string resources are stored there.

    A problem with showing of unicode directories in the ShellTreeView will be solved in the next release.

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