Feature request – SkinManager.Reimport

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  • #34823

    It would be nice if the SkinManager had buttons “Reimport Selected” and “Reimport All” that caused the skin manager to replace internal skins with the latest ones in the skin folder. For example, if you selected “Blue Glass (internal)” and clicked “Reimport Skin” then the control would replace the internal skin with one loaded from the SkinDirectory.

    I have two reasons for requesting this feature:

    1) I like to have the latest versions in my releases but I'm not always aware of when skins are updated. I do have some idea because I watch the forums and read the release notes but it's easy to miss something.

    2) I have several applications using AlphaControls and when I do update the skins I'm having to repeat the process in each skin manager. It would be a lot quicker, easier and 'safer' to just click “Reimport All” for each.

    In terms of implementation, because you can rename internal skins it may be necessary to store the skin file name for internal skins (I don't know if you're doing this already but I suspect you're not). Alternatively you could just naively strip the ' (internal) part of the name and this would probably work in the vast majority of cases (it would for all my apps) but it would fail if someone was renaming their internal skins. Either solution would be great for me!

    Feasible/desirable? Thanks for your consideration.




    You can try it already in the latest release.


    Hi Serge that is fantastic! The “Update All” action replaces 10 skins so fast there is hardly even a flicker, it's 1000 times faster than I can do it and it completely removes the human error element.

    Having said that, I did find that 3 of the 11 skins in one app were updated with the wrong skin. For example, a skin called DeepPurple (internal) loaded WMP. I manually deleted/re-added the skins that had problems and from then on everything worked perfectly, including multiple repeats of using 'update all'. I didn't notice that anything had changed about the skins with the reimport (they definitely had the same name and other properties that are visible in the skin manager) so I think it may have been an indexing issue. I haven't tested this fully but I think what happened is that the skin called DeepPurple loaded WMP, WMP loaded Golden, Golden loaded DeepPurple. I can get the old SkinManager that exhibited this behaviour out of the repository if you need something to test this with.

    TLDR: If anyone finds that “Update All” loads the wrong skin then they can probably solve it by reimporting the skin manually once, from then on it should work.




    The problem with the reimport messing up the indexes still occurs, any chance of a fix pls? The messed up indexing doesn't occur all the time but its often enough to negate the usefulness of this handy feature.

    If you cannot repro, one thing you might try is to rename one of the skins and then try again. I don't know when this first occurred but at some point DeepPurple became deeppurple and I've had to rename that skin in the skin manager for compatibility with the rest of the program (as unfortunately the skin name appears to be case sensitive). So what might have happened this last time is that it failed to load DeepPurple because the file was called deeppurple and then that in turn may have messed up other skins also? Just guessing..


    I'm sorry for delay. Now I see a problem and this issue will be solved in the nearest release.

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