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  • #34430


    i put a TAcListView component on a form, played with it a bit but when i tried to run it i got error invalid path (something like that) and the application closed itself (it was before the form show itself).

    how stable is this component and how often is it updated/released?

    where exactly should i reports error to?



    You can find the latest version of TacListView on this forum



    thank you for your reply

    the topic is in russian but i understand that the first topic is the one to download it from

    at the moment i installed ACExtra that includes several components including TacListView. your package includes also different components and it seems that you update it often. why not combine the 2 packages? i can't install 2 different packages that contains the same components (some are new and some are updated)

    just a thought


    'emailaya' wrote:


    thank you for your reply

    the topic is in russian but i understand that the first topic is the one to download it from

    This topic is for both russian and english. You can also post messages at this forum.

    'emailaya' wrote:

    at the moment i installed ACExtra that includes several components including TacListView. your package includes also different components and it seems that you update it often. why not combine the 2 packages? i can't install 2 different packages that contains the same components (some are new and some are updated)

    I post working latest versions of my components on this forum. Update component in the ACExtra package longer, because it is necessary to check the compatibility. But when the first version of component acListView will appear, the ACExtra package will be updated. And what is the problem to install KssPack over ACExtra?


    KssPack includes TacListView and also ACEtra includes it

    so i can't install KssPack because of that

    but if you say it's not stable yet (final version) then i'll wait for it

    by seeing the demo, i must say that you did a very impressive work


    Thanks 🙂

    Well, you can wait for the first version.

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