D2007 Pro, trial version compile errors

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  • #33732

    Delphi 2007 Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, DevExpress Quantum Grid, TNT controls, TMS Component Pack, PNG imagelist

    I installed and tested lite version without any problem. Looked great and worked perfectly. I decided to install a full-trial version before buying. I removed a packaged from Delphi IDE (Component/Install Packages – remove), then I deleted related BPLs. After restarting IDE I tried to install the trial version. Before compiling I changed sDefs.inc as follows:

    // — 3rdparty support start — //
    {$DEFINE DEVEX} // DevExpress, LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property must be False
    {$DEFINE USEPNG} // Support of TPngImageList from PngComponents
    {$DEFINE TNTUNICODE} // Enable Unicode support by TntControls
    // — 3rdparty support finish — //

    // — Experimental features — //
    {$DEFINE USEAERO} // Use system shadows in Aero
    {.$DEFINE NOSLOWDETAILS} // Simplified output without slow effects

    When I try to compile packages I get errors:

    for acnt2007_R.bpl
    [DCC Error] acLFPainter.pas(319): E2137 Method 'DrawTrackBar' not found in base class
    [DCC Error] acLFPainter.pas(322): E2037 Declaration of 'DrawTrackBarThumb' differs from previous declaration
    [DCC Error] acLFPainter.pas(335): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'acShellCtrls.pas'

    for acnt2007.bpl
    [DCC Error] sRegisterIt.pas(14): F2051 Unit sToolBar was compiled with a different version of sThirdParty.CopyToolBtnGlyph

    I checked the FAQ but the problem wasn't solved. I read 3rd party.txt about patching cxLookAndFeels.pas file. However the given link http://www.alphaskins.com/sfiles/3rdparty/devexpatch.zip seems to be broken.

    Any tips?

    Best regards,
    Jacek Hajnrych


    Did you delete the *.dcp files, too, before re-installing?


    QUOTE (mol @ May 6 2010, 06:04 PM)
    Did you delete the *.dcp files, too, before re-installing?

    Yes, I did.

    It seems I've found a solution. I removed (commented):

    // class procedure DrawTrackBar(ACanvas: TcxCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
    // const ASelection: TRect; AShowSelection: Boolean; AEnabled: Boolean;
    // AHorizontal: Boolean); override;
    // class procedure DrawTrackBarThumb(ACanvas: TcxCanvas; ARect: TRect; AState: TcxButtonState;
    // AHorizontal: Boolean; ATicks: TcxTrackBarTicksAlign); override;

    and its implementation in acLFPainter.pas. It's working although I'm not sure if it's a proper solution. Anyway, it's time for testing <img src="style_emoticons//wink.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”;)” border=”0″ alt=”wink.gif” />



    Problem will be solved in the nearest release, I think, very soon.

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