AC 6.44 is still bugged…

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  • #33255
    Paulo César

    1) The bug is on WMP 2008: When I click in the Maximize button, the Window bugs.

    2) TsLisbox: When the listbox is with the skin it becomes really slow to load a big quantity of itens (3,000 itens), around 9~10 seconds independent of the computer specs.

    3) Another WMP 2008 bug: When the mouse is on the [X] button (Close) and from over the [X] you move the mouse to maximize, there is a little bug.

    Waiting for answers about these errors.
    In special #2 that is messing with my application.


    Are you sure all those problems are connected with AlphaControls?

    I'm a user of AlphaControls,just like you,but I can give you my expirience I have had so far:

    1)What version of delphi are you using? I use WMP2008(hardly modified) in all my applications and I haven't expirienced the application to freeze on maximize.

    2)Are you sure that'a problem of AlphaControls? I don't think so.You'd expirience the same thing without alphaControls.

    Use this:

    //Load all items

    Another suggestion – use another control,not listbox.ListBox/ListView also take time(whether with or without skin,its vcl's fault) when loading huge amount of entries and that's reasonable,because It creates an instance of each entry.There are third party controls out there that wouldn't copy them and therefore they won't increase that much memory and of course improve performance.But I believe your problem is begin/end update.

    3)same as 1).I never had such things.What do you mean with “there is a little bug”?

    Paulo César

    I use the Delphi 2007 and AC 6.44
    The Old WMP 2008 don't have this bug, but the updated have!

    //Load all items

    don't work … =/

    Well my application needs of listbox, because draw item and scrollbar skin, I can't use other…


    Answer about ListBox you can find there.
    Please describe a bug with maximizing.

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