AlphaControls AV bug

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  • #33128
    Christopher Dely

    Dear Support!

    We are trying your AlphaControls (AlphaControls Lite v6.37) and get one very strange error.
    When we switch from non skinned mode to skinned mode, we get an AV (after we set TsSkinManager.Active to true).

    Here is the call stack:

    exception class : EAccessViolation

    main thread ($7f0):
    005f3376 NlArchiver.exe sAlphaListBox TsAlphaListBox.WMPrint
    004c46c3 NlArchiver.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
    004c84ec NlArchiver.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
    005f3705 NlArchiver.exe sAlphaListBox TsAlphaListBox.WndProc
    004c7ca4 NlArchiver.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
    0047813c NlArchiver.exe Classes StdWndProc
    7e37f406 USER32.dll SendMessageA
    005caae7 NlArchiver.exe sVclUtils SkinPaintTo
    005cabc5 NlArchiver.exe sVclUtils SkinPaintTo
    005caf16 NlArchiver.exe sVclUtils AnimShowControl
    005d43c2 NlArchiver.exe sStyleSimply UnLockForms
    005d8f7e NlArchiver.exe sSkinManager TsSkinManager.RepaintForms
    005d8992 NlArchiver.exe sSkinManager TsSkinManager.SendNewSkin
    005d8ddc NlArchiver.exe sSkinManager TsSkinManager.SetSkinName
    005d8bc9 NlArchiver.exe sSkinManager TsSkinManager.SetActive

    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    Christopher Dely
    NetLock Ltd.


    Hello Christopher

    When we switch from non skinned mode to skinned mode, we get an AV (after we set TsSkinManager.Active to true).

    Where you change it? By the button pressing or in other event?
    It will be great if you can show a demo with error..

    Problem will not occurs if disable skins changing animation in the SkinManager.AnimEffects property, but a cause of problem must be found in any case.

    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 17 2009, 09:22 AM)
    Hello Christopher

    Where you change it? By the button pressing or in other event?
    It will be great if you can show a demo with error..

    Problem will not occurs if disable skins changing animation in the SkinManager.AnimEffects property, but a cause of problem must be found in any case.

    We have an Options dialog, and a skin changing combobox. Also we have two radiobutton, one for skin mode selection and one for disable skinning (Windows theme mode). After the user clicks on the “OK” button, we are using TsSkinManager.Active property to enable/disable the skinning functionality. This error occurs at the property changing time. On the main form, we have a TsCheckListBox, and I think the exception occurred in that control (TsAlphaListBox.WMPrint).


    Thank you for information, I'll try to reproduce that.
    Disabling of animation removes an error? Did you check it?

    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 24 2009, 07:58 AM)
    Disabling of animation removes an error? Did you check it?

    Yes. But, please fix this bug.


    QUOTE (Christopher Dely @ Jul 24 2009, 12:28 PM)
    Yes. But, please fix this bug.

    Of course, just firstly I must reproduce this problem. If you can help to reproduce then error will be fixed quickly.

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